Sunday, March 23, 2008

fire mage

here's my finished version of my little fire mage, enjoy!

wyatt earp mustache

just a chemist i was eaves dropping on in starbucks. he was totally ripping on college level chemists who didn't clean their test tubes with the right water...i think he needs a badge.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i think im done

ok guys, hope you all like the finished piece. im calling it done. i've gotten to the point where i'm happy with it. i think everything is working pretty well. this last stage was just me tightening up some details in the foreground as well as rework some of the shadows, etc...I've learned a lot from creating this and i'm looking forward to starting on my next one. I've already gotten several sketches done of some ideas i have for the second piece. anyways, here she is, enjoy:

stage 8: details

Thursday, March 6, 2008

phase 7: background

ok so i'm almost finished, just laid in the background and worked a little more on the dagger and it's tones. check it:

phase 7: background

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

phase 6: painted altar and dagger

ok so here is more progress. i was really happy with the way the altar turned out. it has a nice "uneven" and organic feel to it. sort of like its been used a lot. hehehe. i also painted out the dagger...i feel like the dagger still needs some work, but its getting there. soon i shall be working on the background and in a few days, this project should be complete!

phase 6 : painted altar and dagger

Sunday, March 2, 2008

phase 5: opaques

ok heres phase 5, i have started the actual painting. here i have most of the thief character finished. next up is the altar.

phase 5